Constructive Head Drawing with Glenn Vilppu

Drawing board
18 x 24 white bond paper such as Canson “Biggie Sketch Pads”
No newsprint
A few sheets of neutral color blue-gray Canson Paper
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils: Sanguine & Black
White pencil: Stabilo CarbOthello Pastel Pencil, Cretacolor Fine Art Pastel or white charcoal pencil
Kneaded eraser
Sand Pad and X-Acto Knife for sharpening (no pencil sharpeners)

Glenn Vilppu
Glenn Vilppu

Glenn Vilppu is an internationally renowned draftsman, painter, and instructor whose books and DVDs are used by universities, art schools, and independent students around the world. Glenn is also a founding member at New Masters Academy. Glenn has had at least 20 one-man shows and is represented in collections throughout the U. S., Canada and Europe. Glenn’s approach to teaching drawing has become the standard for professional artists, often imitated by numerous teachers and applied by the tens of thousands.

Glenn has a BFA and MFA from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena where he was an instructor for thirteen years. Glenn also served as Director of the Character Animation Dept. of the California Institute of Art. In addition, Glenn ran his own school for five years where he taught all subjects relating to art.

Currently, Glenn teaches on-site at New Masters Academy, the University of California Los Angeles, Film and Video School’s Animation Workshop, and the American Animation Institute where he also teaches his private Saturday classes. Glenn has been giving annual lectures at the Ringling College of Art and Design for more than seven years as well as sketching tours of Europe for the past 16 years. Two to four months of the year are devoted by Vilppu to seminars throughout the world, from Greece, Sweden, and Italy to India and Japan. Vilppu has also been the artist in residence at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States and La Coste, France.

At the age of 40, Vilppu brought a unique and innovative approach to traditional figure drawing and composition into the Animation industry for over 20 years on both feature and shorts for all of the major studios. He also taught at all of the major studios, as well many game and special effects studios.

Sales are non-refundable but in some cases we can switch a student’s enrollment in a class that has not yet started to another class of equal or lesser value. Art Mentors reserves the right to cancel, limit enrollment, substitute instructors or models, reschedule or modify a class with notice to enrolled students. If a class is canceled, enrolled students will be given a refund. If an instructor is unable to finish a class term a refund will be given to students at a pro-rated amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.Is this class online or in-person?

    A.This 10 week class takes place live and in person in our Huntington Beach studio. We will be recording the class and students will get online access to the recording for a full year. We also sell a online-only option for students who can’t make it in person.

  • Q.How advanced do I need to be to take this class?

    A.This class is for all levels, from the total beginner to the working professional artist. There’s no better time to learn good drawing habits!

  • Q.Is there an age limit on who can attend this class?

    A.No. This class is open to all ages!

  • Q.Is the Online-only option of the class interactive?

    A.Yes. Online-only students will get access to each class recording on the Monday following each Saturday class and have access to all videos for one full year. Students can also get critiques and feedback from the instructor. Critiques are recorded during the live class and can be viewed on the following week.

  • Q.I live in California. Should I attend in person or Online-only?

    A.Students attending in person will get the most out of this class, including one-on-one feedback and critique with Glenn.

  • Q.Do you expect to sell out?

    A.Yes! Also there are no guarantees we will ever offer this class with Glenn Vilppu again. If you’re interested, sign up!

  • Q.What's the maximum class size?

    A.We’re capping the class at 20 students to ensure that everyone gets enough personal attention.

  • Q.$599 is a lot for me to pay at once. Are there payment plans?

    A.Yes, we offer a payment plan. Contact us for details.

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