Winter 2019 Classes Home Page – Online Forums Art Mentors Site Discussion Composition with Steve Huston Notes to post – How?

Composition with Steve Huston Notes to post – How?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of David David 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #2706
    Profile photo of Jill

    I have 30 pages of notes from the Composition workshop that I said I would post here for the fellow students. They are a PDF doc. I don’t see how I can attach that doc here – only how to attach an image or create a link.

    If you would like me to share them – do you have any suggestions about how I could do so?

    Profile photo of Martin

    I would love to see them.  Have you received a response from anyone yet, Jill?


    Edit I notice you can post links.  Is there anyplace you can upload these and post a link, perhaps dropbox?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of Martin Martin.
    Profile photo of Jill

    No, nothing yet. If you want to leave me your email I’ll send them to you directly. You can email me at



    Hi Jill,

    Let me try and find a way to upload a PDF file onto this forum. I will give it a shot and keep in touch with you.

    Profile photo of Jill

    No problem Amir, I’ll wait to hear from you


    Jill, we are having our developers work on adding in a link that would allow for PDF uploads. As soon as they have figured it out I will let you know :)

    Profile photo of Jill

    Thanks, just let me know when you are ready.



    Hi Jill,

    Our developers have figured out how to add in a PDF file now. You should see the option below next to the comment box. Thank you for your patience!

    Profile photo of Jill

    Thanks Amir. Okay, here are the notes I took during Steve’s composition course. They are missing a couple hours on day one – but where it happens in the notes is clearly marked and people have the tapes. I hope you find them helpful. It was an excellent workshop, thanks, Steve.



    That’s very nice of you to share Jill!

    Profile photo of Martin

    Thanks Jill!

    Profile photo of kathie

    Hi Amir,

    This is Kathie Bugajski.  I took Steve’s online course in 2015 and wanted to see if I still  have access to the lessons to refresh myself before it is closed.  Could you check to see if I can still do that and if so how do I get into the instruction part.



    Profile photo of David

    Hi where can i download these notes please because the pdf is not working, thanks in advance !

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