Winter 2019 Classes Home Page – Online Forums Art Mentors Site Discussion Welcome to the Art Mentors Site Forum!

Welcome to the Art Mentors Site Forum!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors 9 years ago.

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  • #2080
    Profile photo of Art Mentors
    Art Mentors

    This forum is dedicated to threads that deal with the Art Mentors Web Site itself as well as features and content. This is a great place for Feature Requests, Content or Instructor Requests, and more. This isn’t a support forum so if you’re having a technical or billing issue please contact support at:


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    Profile photo of Ted Betts
    Ted Betts

    Thanks so much! I’m thrilled to be in on the “ground floor” of such a great new service!!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    Profile photo of Art Mentors
    Art Mentors

    Thanks, Albert. As always, we rely on you guys to help us form our educational services and web site!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Art Mentors Art Mentors.
    Profile photo of Albert

    I have some questions:

    1) When uploading a picture with a post on my mentorship page, often the picture is not shown (or uploaded). Where should I report this error?

    2) Steve Huston is my instructor. Should I sent him a message I finished and uploaded the assignments, or will he (or the site admin) check my postings?



    Profile photo of Mic

    I have the same question as Albert and would like to know how often our mentorship pages are visited by someone from the NMA. I also asked a question on the 9th April about my first video and need an answer to continue with one of the exercises from Steve. Is there a procedure for checking when a student posts something on their page? Although the mentors will be busy it would be helpful if someone from the NMA would acknowledge that someone has read our posts and passed the information on to our mentors.



    Profile photo of Lovdia

    Not sure what their process is for the new upgraded website, but I’ve previously emailed them to announce when I was ready for critique or had something posted for Steve to look at. I just assumed it would just be the same now.


    Profile photo of Albert

    <p>OK, maybe I solved my problem “1) uploading pictures in postings” problem:</p><p>I use photo’s from my iphone to upload my assignments in my postings. The photo’s that where not shown in the postings were larger than 2.5Mb and/or 2000×3000 (or larger) pixels. I resized the photo’s and the filesizes are now below 1Mb. All photo’s are not shown in the postings on my personal page.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Albert Albert.
    Profile photo of Mic

    Hello Lovdia,

    thanks for giving a response to my problem, it sounds like things have gone pretty well for you. what NMA e-mail address are you using? I had a great deal of difficulty getting any response at the last website and tried several different e-mail addresses and the support service to try to get some information. I was hoping things would improve on this site and was waiting to see if Albert’s post would get a response (because his second question is pretty much what I’d like to know).

    Dear NMA

    Just re-read the opening post from NMA and it says “<span style=”color: #444444; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px;”>This is a great place for Feature Requests, Content or Instructor Requests, and more” so I’m guessing this is the right place to get an answer from the NMA. As a feature request I’d just like to know the best route to get a response from the NMA. Do I post on my page, do I post here, do I post to a particular e-mail address? It does get very frustrating as it isn’t really clear if anyone from the NMA is monitoring any of this. I’m sure Steve is a very busy bloke and won’t be able to read through all his students pages to see if anyone has posted. Could someone from the NMA  could read these posts daily and respond with something like – “Just read your post and we’ll pass the information to your mentor today. You can expect a response in a day/ a couple of days/ we’re rather swamped so it could take a week but you’ll get a response within seven days.” etc. </span></span>




    Profile photo of Mic

    Dear NMA

    Politely requesting that someone take a look at the question I asked Steve on my mentor page (9th April) and answer the question I asked here in this thread . Come on NMA surely someone looks at this page.

    Profile photo of Mic

    As I haven’t got a response I think I might be asking in the wrong place so I’m posting the question in a new thread.

    Profile photo of Art Mentors
    Art Mentors

    Guys, this thread was actually intended as an introductory message. This forum is where you can post threads which we will respond do. I’ll lock this thread one up after this response (we should have made this more clear).

    1. Make sure the image is in .jpg or .png format. Also it appears that there is a 2MB filesize limitation. We’ll see if we can push that up a bit higher but in the meantime your best bet is to make sure the filesize is small enough.
    2. We check all comments daily (and all responses on the site including image uploads, etc are considered “comments” by our system) but we don’t notify you guys when they are successfully received. The mentors’ responses do take a few days to get back.

    See responses on your new thread.

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